
Become a member, it's free to join!

Would you like to get your hands on the latest new releases? Our library service is FREE to join. If you’re not a member already you can join online, at your nearest library or call on 01733 864280.

Once you’re a member you can pick up and drop off your books at any of our 10 libraries, including the mobile library.

Conditions of Membership

Your Peterborough Library membership card can be used at all of our libraries.

You must have your membership card present when borrowing items. You may borrow up to 12 items on your card. These can be borrowed from and returned to any branch of Peterborough Libraries. Items may be renewed 3 times at any branch or online. Our staff are happy to renew items over the telephone during opening hours.

You will need your library card number near at hand when you contact us. If a reservation has been placed on an item you have on loan a renewal is not permitted. Items may be returned to any Peterborough library. Membership is suspended when you have exceeded the limits set for overdue items and outstanding charges. Overdue notices are a courtesy reminder for your convenience.

A reservation and inter-library loan service is available for those items which are on loan, available at another branch or held by another library service. A fee is charged for this service. You can place your own reservations for most items via the public access computers at our branches or through the Peterborough Library Service online catalogue. All costs incurred by the Library due to items lost or damaged whilst in your care may be reimbursed. All reservations, inter-library loans and lost membership card charges are non-refundable. If you change your address or name, please notify us immediately.

Please report lost cards to the library immediately. You will remain responsible for any items borrowed before the loss is reported. Membership details are held under the terms of the Data Protection Act.

Open+ unstaffed library service

Our Open+ (unstaffed) service have now re-started at the following libraries:

  • Stanground
  • Woodston
  • Eye
  • Dogsthorpe
  • Thorney

Please see the Local Libraries page for opening times.

Open+ uses an electronic system to allow members to access the libraries services whilst no staff are on site. The system is supported by security cameras, access control systems and automated library readers. This is a cost effective way for us to allow members access to library services for a longer duration than if we relied on a staffed service only.

Access to Open+ is in addition to the standard library service of staffed sites and requires you to opt-in. You opt-in by asking a member of staff to opt you in and you will then receive a verbal briefing on the service and how it works, along with a copy of the Terms and Conditions.

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