Open+ (unstaffed) Library Service - Terms and Conditions

Introduction to Open+

Open+ is an unstaffed library service. It uses an electronic system to allow members to access the libraries services whilst no staff are on site. The system is supported by security cameras, access control systems and automated library readers.

This is a cost effective way for us to allow members access to library services for a longer duration than if we relied on a staffed service only. This document details the Terms and Conditions you accept by accessing the service.

Access to Open+ is in addition to the standard library service of staffed sites and requires you to opt-in. You opt-in by asking a member of staff to opt you in. You will then receive a verbal briefing on the service and how it works, along with a copy of the Terms and Conditions.

The Terms and Conditions may change from time to time. As and when they change, an updated copy will be made available on our website and hard copies will be left inside the entrance of the libraries in which Open+ operates.

Open+ members are subject to the following Terms and Conditions:

  • You must have a permanent library membership and be aged 16 or over to access Open+.
  • Open+ access can be granted to all members with the exception of the following groups:
    • Temporary members – unless you are able to provide ID and proof of residence, in which case your membership can be changed to permanent;
    • Under 16s;
    • Those with a history of antisocial behaviour;
    • Those deemed vulnerable – i.e. visual impairment, physical disability, unless you can evacuate the building independently;
    • Those whom the library service determines at its sole discretion cannot use the service.
  • You will need to scan your library card at the access point outside the main doors and enter your PIN code. If you have been registered to use Open+, the doors will open for you.
  • You are to enter and leave the building only by the designated entrance, except in case of emergency. Emergency exits are alarmed and if abused will lead to suspension of access to the Open+ service.
  • Access to the site is only for purposes connected to the objectives of the library service.
  • During Open+ hours, each adult must scan their card separately to gain access to the library, unless they are entering as a family. In this case, just one adult will need to use the access system and the family can enter together.
  • Children under the age of 16 must be accompanied by an Open+ member throughout their visit. The Open+ member will be responsible for the child’s actions during the visit to the library.
  • If you have any physical or mental health concerns which may impact on you using the space safely during Open+, please make staff aware when registering.
  • Members who have a medical condition that may pose a risk to themselves in Open+ hours enter the library entirely at their own risk.
  • If you are feeling unwell, do not enter the library.
  • When entering or leaving the library, please take reasonable steps to ensure you are not followed in or out. If you are followed in or out of any of our sites, please call the emergency staff number - 07920 160444.
  • Libraries are not staffed during Open+ hours, but there may be other members using the library at the same time as you. If you have concerns about your safety and/or the behaviour of others whilst using the service, please leave the library at once and seek assistance, such as the police. If you have such concerns and have already left the library, please email with the details so we can investigate.
  • Please use all equipment and services responsibly and respect others using the space.
  • Do not access the counter or any staff equipment unless you need to use the telephone in the case of an emergency.
  • Do not attempt to enter any restricted areas, including toilets, which are not available during Open+ sessions.
  • Please check all items you want to return or borrow in and out through the self-service kiosks.
  • Please make sure you leave the library as directed by the pre-recorded message when the library closes.
  • If staff find any documents left in the library from Open+ sessions, they will be kept in line with our Lost and Found Policy before they are destroyed in the interest of data protection.
  • Report any emergency situations such as fire, flood, medical problems or other members of the public abusing the facility, via the emergency contact number/phone. This must only be used in case of emergency.
  • Please take responsibility for yourself and leave the building immediately in the case of an emergency or sounding of the fire alarm.
  • In an emergency or in the event of a fire, please call 999. Please familiarise yourself with emergency evacuation procedures and evacuation routes for each library you are visiting.
  • Report any damage, minor incidents or concerns about the use of the library via telephone on 01733 864280 or in person at any library as soon as possible after the event.
  • Use of the library during Open+ hours is at your own risk. CCTV is installed which monitors the library 24/7 with images recorded. This is for your safety and security.
  • Continue to abide by the library byelaws which are displayed both on our website and at our library sites.
  • If you have misused library services in the past, or we believe it likely that you will misuse the service if given access to Open+, we reserve the right to decline your access to this service at our sole discretion.
  • By entering the library during Open+ you are agreeing that you have clearly understood the terms and conditions of using Open+. We reserve the right to withdraw access from customers who fail to comply with these terms and conditions.

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