Book recommendation: How to kill your family

Posted on: 17/07/2024

Recommended by Rachel, Peterborough Libraries' Resource Officer at Central Library


"How to kill your family’ is a really fast paced plot twister which kept me hooked right up to the end. It is written in the first person narrative by Grace who is serving time in prison for a crime which she didn’t commit. While she is there she writes her memoirs and explains how, following her mother’s untimely death, she sought revenge on her absent and philandering father, his family and substantial fortune. One by one she has executed plans to gradually ‘take out’ every member of his family without being tracked. But unbeknown to Grace, someone else is watching her closely and planning their own revenge.

This is a real plot twister with some explicit details of ways to execute the perfect murder! There are some dark sides to this book and sexual encounters which are quite an eye opener but I look forward to more books by this author."

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